An uplifting site highlighting the funny antics of children.


This is a sister site to Our pupose for all of our blogs is to provide an avenue for women to share their trials, find support, and be uplifted. We believe that by connecting with others who have gone through similar situations we will know we are not alone and hopefully find something helpful within our blogs.

The Errand of Angels is dedicated to our little angels, our children.  They are so precious and teach us so many things. We'd love to hear about the funny questions, comments, and sayings that come from your cherubs. Have they taught you any lessons?  

Visit this site when you feel overwhelmed with motherhood or just want to put a smile on your face.  We look forward to all of your funny, touching, and caring posts.

Friday, April 18, 2008


My daughter Emma is five. Here are some of the fun things she's said lately:

* Jeff said something about baptism and Emma counted on her hand: "One, two, three...I think that's four. Right, baptism? Baptism and laying on a pan?" (4th article of faith "laying on of hands" that comes after baptism.)
* "If I were on American Idol, I would sing 'I Am Like a Star Shinging Brightly.' And the judges would like it and they would give me a ticket to Hollywood."
* Emma: "What if I got hurt on the playground, and everyone gathered around me, and they had to take me to the nurse!" Mom: "That would be sad." Emma: "No, it wouldn't, it would be cool, because I like sad things!"
* Looking down at her chest: "These are like small hills. Like the hills of Egypt."
* "I believe in America. And Santa."
* In a prayer: "...and if there are any indians on this earth, please let me know with a still small voice where they are."
* "I know what running errands means. It means you have to do boring things."
* Emma: "I love the car wash. I want to go back." Mom: "Yeah, we will go back someday. When the car is really dirty again." Emma: "Okay, tomorrow I'll throw mud at it!"
* "No, YOU'RE in charge!" This was to me after I told her daddy's the Priesthood leader in our house, and that's why he chooses who says the prayer.
* "I just felt like being hurtful to my toys." This was after she threw a princess shoe in a small tantrum when I was on the phone and not paying attention to her.
What are some of the funny things your kids have said?