* Jeff said something about baptism and Emma counted on her hand: "One, two, three...I think that's four. Right, baptism? Baptism and laying on a pan?" (4th article of faith "laying on of hands" that comes after baptism.)
* "If I were on American Idol, I would sing 'I Am Like a Star Shinging Brightly.' And the judges would like it and they would give me a ticket to Hollywood."
* Emma: "What if I got hurt on the playground, and everyone gathered around me, and they had to take me to the nurse!" Mom: "That would be sad." Emma: "No, it wouldn't, it would be cool, because I like sad things!"
* Looking down at her chest: "These are like small hills. Like the hills of Egypt."
* "I believe in America. And Santa."
* In a prayer: "...and if there are any indians on this earth, please let me know with a still small voice where they are."
* "I know what running errands means. It means you have to do boring things."
* Emma: "I love the car wash. I want to go back." Mom: "Yeah, we will go back someday. When the car is really dirty again." Emma: "Okay, tomorrow I'll throw mud at it!"
* "No, YOU'RE in charge!" This was to me after I told her daddy's the Priesthood leader in our house, and that's why he chooses who says the prayer.
* "I just felt like being hurtful to my toys." This was after she threw a princess shoe in a small tantrum when I was on the phone and not paying attention to her.
What are some of the funny things your kids have said?
Yesterday I asked my 5 year old son a question that he did not the answer to and he said, "I don't know, let's ask the audience!"
I realized I needed to put away my feminine products in the bathroom when my son brought a tampon to me and said, "Mommy, I want some candy."
These are hysterical! I love them.
Yesterday, my son tried to tell his dad about getting whacked in the head with a plastic bat, and he said, "Daddy, I wack-o in the head!"
Thanks for the book recommendations! We were just at the library today but we'll look for these next time:) Love the idea of a happy blog - thanks!
We were reading the Book of Mormon when we came to the scripture that said Lehi died. My three year old son said "Lehi died? Dude, I think I'm gonna cry."
My 3 year old the other day when we were driving in the car,
"Mom, could you turn on the freezing heater?!?!"
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